D.I.Y beauty: lip scrub

Have you heard of Lush lip scrubs? It is a raved product by big makeup/beauty buffs and I would love to get my hands on it if I had access but sadly it is not available near me. Hence I went forward and made out one for myself to pamper my lips. The result was was great, smooth soft lips.

Lush lip scrubs

Make a fast lip scrub this weekend and give you lips a taste of summer.

Lip scrub ingredients:

Take 1. sugar (crush or grind to make small granules),

2. mix a little honey, and

3.mix a little bit of coconut powder, best if you get shredded coconut (optional).

lip scrub
D.I.Y. lip scrub

Apply to lips and make small circular motions for 1-2 minutes.

Wipe with wash cloth and the results are satisfying none the less, best the mixture is edible and yummy.

Use this only once a week or twice in one week as I read, too much scrubbing can cause lines. But great to do it before going to an event or putting out a red lip which can really have the dead skin on display.

Give it a try and put in your comments and join me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, links on the side bar!

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